Wednesday, March 26, 2014


RELIC HUNTER: MYSTERY OF THE JEWELS With their return, from Eastern Europe, behind them, Professor Sydney Fox, and Nigel Bailey, would have no-sooner, cleaned up, and were considering where to eat, when Syd's CIA source would stop them, on their way, to Syd's office. When the man would ask "Professor Fox, may I have a moment of your time?", Syd would tell the man that she, and Nigel, were just on their way, for a bite to eat. This is when the CIA operative would produce cartons, containg pizza's, salads, Garlic bread, and soda. Nigel, in typical, guy, fashion, would eye the food, while suggesting "Syd, maybe we should hear the man out". When Syd would look at Nigel, saying "Nigel!", one look, at his hungry face, reminded Syd that she, too, was hungry. This is why she told the man "This way". As Nigel "dug into" the food, in the office, the CIA man would tell Syd "A problem has come up. An archeological dig, at a construction site, has found some items, which could not be associated with the indian tribes". When the man continued "We have identified atleast five, of the artifacts, from the site. The problem is that these items cannot exist, since the items are, still, under design, at national laboratories". The more the man said, the more Syd knew that he was talking about her own dig site. Also, the parts/pieces which her students had dug out of the ground. Pieces which were well-worn, as if they had been underground, for centuries, at the very least. When the man tried to remain cryptic, about the site, Syd said "I know which site you speak of. It was my graduate students who recovered the objects in question. What has this to do with the CIA?" The man would say "You know that crystal staff your student discovered?" Syd was like "What about it?". The man would say "It is a weapon. Well, atleast it WILL be a weapon, when the work is completed". When Syd, baffled, said "You must be mistaken. That "staff", as you call it, was, probably nothing more than a walking staff, probably for a king". The man told Syd "I'm serious. We have been working on that thing, for ten years. Only recently, though, have we come up with a crystal, which is durable enough to house the weapon. Our best scientists predict another twenty years, before the weapon is ompleted". Syd said "You must be mistaken. My students photographs clearly show the staff was buried, deep, and its appearance is that of an object, buried at about that time, and place".. When the man asked "Could it be a hoax? Your students might have buried the weapon, so they could "find" it?" This is when Syd asked the obvious question "If this thing was stolen, from national labs, then HOW did my students get their hands on it?" The man would only say "We are working on that, right now, and reviewing personnel. Syd knew what "reviewing" meant. Each worker was being subjected to interrogation, on the presumption that each was, in fact, guilty. Still, this left the question of HOW the staff got onto the construction site. When Syd said "I am sure that the staff was not in the drop package. What would you have me think happened? That one of my students parachutted into the construction site, with the staff in their pockets?" When the man said "Its a possibility", Syd threw up her hands, and walked into her offiice, closing the door, behind her, so she could sit, quietly, for a moment. Nigel knew why. The crystal staff they had found, was half as thick as the human body, and it stood a good six feet tall. THAT is why Syd thought it was a combination walking staff, and light holder. The idea, that a student could have brought it on-site, and buried it, with no one noticing, was nothing more than cold war paranoia. When the man asked Nigel "How else could the weapon have gotten to the site?", Nigel had no-sooner suggested "Maybe someone else put it there", when Syd rejoined the two, asking the operative "Just how do you know this staff was stolen?" The man showed Syd a display photo, of the weapon. When Syd said "Nice picture, but how do you know it is the same staff?" CIA said "I will double-check, right now." Syd and Nigel watched, and ate the pizza, while the man gave his codes, name, and so on, over the phone, before asking "What?" in a most startled voice, then adding "You're joking, right?". When the man shut off his phone, he answered Syd's question of "Well?", with an un-easy look, as he said "Its still under lock and key. It seems the investigation ended several hours ago. Control thought I had been told. Sorry". As CIA prepared to depart, though, Syd asked "Wait, dont you find it interesting that an artifact turns up, which is identical to what your agency workers are developing?" CIA said "Thats not my call. I was just here, for information." With that, CIA walked out, as if the case were closed. For Professor Sydney Fox and Nigel Bailey, though, it was just the beginning. When Syd, Nigel, and some of her students, carried the packing crates, from the university receiving docks, and into Professor Foxes lab/office, and began sorting through their contents, Nigel made the first, accidental, discovery. What Nigel had thought was just some indian hand-writing, on what seemed like a piece of plastic, the group brought in microscopes, to see more detail. Detail which showed the lines were not handwriting, at all. It was a small piece, of a printed circuit. When the plastic was analized, it turned out not to be "plastic" at all. It was a "next generation" poly compound, which was, allegedly, still in development. If the new system was effective, it would make computers much more effective. But, what was it doing at the site, of an indian village? Working into the evening, Syd and Nigel were able to define atleast three, seperate, tribes, which had used the area, of the site. What was unusual was that the tribes had not used the area, at different times. The artifacts, mixed together, proved that the tribes must have co-existed. Then, there was another group. One which neither Syd, nor Nigel, could identify. Whoever the people were, they left some evidence behind, but no real clues, as to their identity. All that Syd, and Nigel, could gleen, from the artifacts, was that the "mystery" people used machined metals, and had complex math, and astronomy, information. This was proven by the etchings, on pieces of metal the students had found, on the dig. As to what all of this meant, to the construction company, Sydney just wasn't sure what to tell the man. Should she just say that, yes, indian habitation had been found, on the site? Or, should she risk telling the developer about the "mystery" people, and their machined metals? Two days later, Syd was still, weighing her options, as she waited, outside the developers office. Thankfully, when the developers secretary came, to escort her into the office, the developer had bad news, for her. "According to my foreman", the developer would say "My equipment hit something, early yesterday, and, now, none of my equipment will operate, on-site". When Syd asked "Equipment malfunction?", the man asked "The whole site?" The developer then asked if any of Syd's equipment might be responsible? Syd promised the man "We dont use any such equipment, in Archeology" When the man asked "Any idea's?", Syd said "Not off hand, but, if I may see the site, again, maybe I can help". When Syd arrived, back at the site, she was just examining the dig site, when a worker called out "Miss, get away from there". Syd was just calling out "I'm alright" when she felt a strange sensation. When she looked at her watch, with its new battery, she watched as the face was drained of power, even as she felt weak, herself. When Syd awoke, she had paramedics taking her vitals, and an oxygen mask on her face. When she tried to ask "What happened", she found herself bombarded with questions, such as "Name?", and so on. After some back and forth questions, Syd was told "You passed out, close to the edge. We pulled you back". When Syd asked "How did you know?", the supervisor said "I had four men pass out, in the same area. We have declared it "off limits" until we know what is causing it". Thats when Syd said "Thats what I was trying to do. Find out the cause" Two days, and no answers, later, and the developer decided the project wasn't worth the effort. Explosives were placed, and Syd watched, in sorrow, as the wires were connected to the detonator. When the detonator was activated, however, instead of an Earth-shattering "boom", there was an effect, like a prizm, of colored lights, which fanned out, from the pit, like a fireworks display, then there was nothing. The explosives failed, and the battery, on the detonator, died. Four other detonators were tried, but the explosives would not detonate. When Syd brought her satellite phone near the edge, of the pit, she noticed how the energy drain got worse, the closer she got. By the time she reached the edge, of the pit, the phone was dead. When she had some old time, rotary dial watches brought up, though, she noticed how these watches continued to work, even at the very edge of the pit. She, and her assistants, however, had to stand back, from the pit, as it seemed to drain their energy. When the group withdrew from the edge of the pit, everyone, affected, began to recover, almost immediately. It was only as Sydney tried to consider how to deal with whatever was in the pit, that she overheard a construction worker asking "Why dont they just neutralize it?" To which another construction worker would ask "How? They dont even know what it is, yet". This is when Syd got the idea, which she "kicked" herself, for not considering, earlier. An artifact, to neutralize energy. Why not? The museum, at the university, contained a wide variety of artifacts, with even stranger histories. Syd decided to call Nigel, and have him start working, while she was on her way back to university. Upon her arrival, at university, she would check on Nigel's progress. Since the call, Nigel, and the new assistant, had bbeen cross-referencing everything the university had available, about various artifacts. During the search, the new assistant had come across a fertility artifact, which, legend said, any woman touching it would give birth within a year. This is when the assistant asked Nigel Did they really expect people to believe in such things?" Nigel would say "You would be surprised what people will believe in". When the assistant asked "Really?", Nigel would say "See for yourself". He, then, watched, as the assistant gave the artifact a good, long, stare, then, visibly, decided not to risk it. By the time Professor Fox joined them, Nigel woulld have to report that the two had researhed everything from "time travel", to "healling" artifacts, yet had found nothing mentioning the ability to neutralize energy. "We even found one", Nigel would report, "Which claims the ability to turn objects inside out". Syd would say "Not helpful". The three would, then, spend three more days searching the archives, finding everything except what they sought. Syd was about to drop the idea, when her assistant bbrought Syd a volume, asking Syd "What does this mean?" The voolume was from a section, which Professor Fox was adamant was in-correctly categorized. Well over a century ago, when this section, of the university archives, was being created, some fool had lumped all things "un-explainable" under the title of "Witchcraft". During her time, at the university, Professor Sydney Fox had been relentlessly petitioning the university board, to re-categorize, into its proper sub-categories, including: Wicca Devil Worship Demonism etc. To date, though, her efforts had resulted in nothing more than empty promises, to "consider the issue". Now, Syd found herself looking at a page, in a spell book, concerning the creation of "power charms". When Nigel saw that Syd was considering the volume, he reminded her "Syd, remember what happened to the previous teacher, who made use of these volumes, even just for a class discussion". Yes, Sydney Fox remembered, as did the rest of the faculty. All that the teacher, in question, had done was to ask their cllass to consider the reasons why people used, and believed in, such things. The result had been swift. The teacher was called, before the university board, and summarily dis-charged for "promoting bllack magic". Syd had never understood WHY just asking a question, had lead to a dismissal. Was the university board really so terrified, of the unknown, that they would do ANYthing, necessary, to suppress what they did not understand? This is why Syd suggested an OFF-campus place, from which to just try an experiment, Nigel asked "What about Miss Mary Jane?" When Syd's assistant asked "You mean Marijuana, dont you?", Syd corrected the aid, saying "Miss Mary Jane is a senior member of a local coven. She has aided Nigel, and I, on other projects." Syd then looked right at the aid, saying "Never assume. In Archeology, assumptions get people killed" Syd then turned to Nigell, and instructed "Call her, and ask if she has time, to aid us". The three were just returning, to Professor Fox's lab/office, while discussing HOW to proceed, if Miss Mary Jane COULD help, when Nigel halted, right inside the professors office doorway. When Syd asked "Nigel, what is it?", Nigel stepped aside, silently, and Syd stepped into the room, to find herself face-to-face with Miss Mary Jane. When Syd asked "How did you know?", Miss Mary Jane said Wiccans make a habit, of being informed.. I "felt" the power surge, at the construction site, and I was sure you woulld want to ask my advice" When Syd asked Miss Mary Jane "WHAT are we dealling with?", Miss Mary Jane would say "I am not certain, but it is powerful enough to make major waves, in the energy of the universe." When Nigell asked "Satanism?" Miss Mary Jane would crack a smile, as she told an annoyed llooking Syd "He's cute". (Syd hated that people allways assumed that all "major" events were tied either to "God" or the "Devil". Nothing was ever considered just part of the natural world). With Miss Mary Janes approvall, Syd and Nigel would join the woman, at her home, in her private kitchen. (Syd's aid would decline the inbvitation, out of the Christian "fear" that all "witches" were "evil"). This, even as Miss Mary Jane would work, from an aged journal, which contained a wide variety of charms recipes. According to Miss Mary Jane, "I am combining a variety of power-re-directing, and power dissolving, recipes into what I HOPE will be a protection charm, which should reflect any energy away from you". Right as Syd was asking "How long will it last?", there was a knock, at the door, and Miss Mary Jane would ask "Nigel, would you open the door, for Mistress Selena?" As Nigel went to comply, Miss Mary Jane told Syd Mistress Selena is the head elder, in our coven. She will help me to complete the charm". Although the elder woman, who would enter the kitchen, was not "imposing", by warrior standards, she walked with a grace, and elegance, befitting the most powerful person in the world. Even Nigel seemed humbled by her presence. When Mistress Selena said, to Miss Mary Jane "Sister, I am aware of what you desire", Mistress Selena's voice may have been soft, but the power, of her tone, was un-deniable. This woman could scare off any attacker, just by saying "Boo". When Miss Mary Jane said "Yes, sister", her tone was subserviant, to the elder, as Miss Mary Jane asked Mistress Selena "With your blessing, and that, of the universal powers, I am hopeful that this willl protect my friends". When Mistress Selena gazed upon Syd, and Nigel, both relic hunters felt as if they were being wordlesly interrogated, under the elders imposing gaze. After a moment, Mistress Selena told Miss Mary Jane "Their hearts are pure. Their thoughts are restricted, by mans teachings, but their goal is as pure as their hearts. I will assist" The two Wiccans then joined hands, and placed their free hands over the charm. Nigel was left slack-jawed, while Syd was wide-eyed, with wonder, as the women chanted something, while a white light appearred, beneath their hands, and "consumed" the charm, for a moment. The Wiccans held eyes closed, as the kitchen became incrediblly bright. What amazed Syd though was how the light did not bother hers, or Nigels, eyes, even as they watched the charm being embued with power. When the womens chant was completed, Nigel, rapidly, brought the elder a chair, even as Miss Mary Jane placed an ointment on the charm. Miss Mary Jane then said "It is done. So mote it be". When Syd tried to touch the charm, though, she got a shock, to the max. Miss Mary Jane suggested that Syd use protective gloves, to handle the charm. After thanking the women, Syd and Nigel had left the building when, as Nigel asked "Do you really think it will work?", his answer came when the charm zapped him, with a bolt of energy. Syd then asked "Does that answer your question?" The next day, in the presense of the developer, and his construction crew, Syd held the charm before her and, being sure to clear her mind, of any doubts, entered the pit. Surprisingly, this time, Syd was not "attacked" until she reached the bottom of the pit. This time, however, ALLL of the energy, of the "attack", was directed at the charm, which began to glow, softly, as it absorbed the energy. With the charm in hand, Syd was able to locate the source, of the energy, when she found the broken cover, of a velvet-lined, wooden box. Lifting the broken cover, Syd found several fortunes worth of jewels. Some standing in slots, in the box, while others seemed toppled over, and rubbed against nearby stones. It seems thast it was the toppled stones which were the source, of the energy waves. Somehow, the box was channelling the power, of the crystals, and jewels. When Syd replaced the jewels, into their correct slots, the energy came back into balance, and the sparks, and fashes, from the box ended. Now, the box glowed, and hummed, quietly. Once the box was balanced, the foreman would be able to report, to the developer, "Boss, everything is working, again", with an expression of "Dont ask me", on his face. Once out of the pit, Professor Fox did not trust the box to remain stable, during a flight, so Syd would send the box, to the university, via train. Back at the university, Professor Fox would send a sample, of the wood, from the ox, to a lab, for analysis. The box, itself, and its contents, would be sent to her office. When Syd and Nigel, documented the box, and its contents, then began cleaning the crystals, they discovered symbols etched into the surfaces. Both SYd and Nige agreed that it was a language, but it wasn't one which either relic hunter had ever seen, before. The writing had similarities, to several languages, but not enough to make any sense of. Then, came the results of the wood analysis. The note said "Wood is "similar" to, but not a match, for any wood found either in the America's, or in Europe." If the wood was real, the sample was from a species which had died out long before recorded history. This left the question: What was the box doing in an indian village? While considering this, Syd and Nigel discovered, through trial-and-error, which "setting" shut the box off, and, purely by accident, they found out the "overload" setting (which sent the entire county into a blackout, until local utilities reset local breakers). As to the boxes purpose, Syd and Nigel were sure that the writing was the key, if they could just find the right language. But WHAT was the right language? After referencing every language, which either of them knew, Syd would reach out, to the Archeolgy community, at large. Using only a sample, of the writing, the question woould be posed: WHAT language is this? Not, surprising, the answer would ome from one of the indian nations. Syd and Nigel would find themselves invited to visit a pllace, where science and technology were frowned upon. From the entrance, of the reservation, to their destination, the scholars would be "escorted" about the reservation, by a group of un-friendly looking indians. At an obviously aging house, of a village elder, Syd would be stopped, short of the porch, by a younger indian, who would say "You dare bring your science, and machines, to our lands? By what right do you trespass on our lands?" When Syd would tell the indian "I happen to respect your peoples traditions. I would, also, remind you that I, and my assistant, Nigel Bailey, here, were invited to your land". An un-seen male called, through a window "Son, she speaks the truth. Gran-father ASKED her to come".. When the young male said "Father, the white man has never brought the indian anything but pain. Why should we allow this?", the un-seen man said "Son, grand-father wishes to speak to them. If you, truly, respect our ways, let them pass". Reluctantly, the young indian stepped aside, allowing Syd and Nigel to enter the residence. In what seemed like the master bedroom, an aging elder, with white hair, rsted in the bed. When the boys father leaened close, to the elder, saying "Father, the outsiders you ent for are here", the man warned Syd and Nigel "My father is old, and weak. Do NOT overtax him". When Syd asked about the box, the stones, and the writing, the elder, through his sons translation, said that, as a boy, he had seen the box, only once. The story he was told, as a boy was: "Strangers came, saying they wewre from a faraway and. They gave the box to the indians, as a gesture of friendship, and cooperation. As to what the box actually did, the strangers told the indians that, when the time was right, the nations would understand how to use the box". When Syd asked the translator "How long ago was this?", the translator said that the elder was a very young child, when told the story. All the elder remembered, about the box, was how beautiful he was told that the box was, and how bright the colors were, when activated. After this, the elder rested, for a moment, and the father, too, said "I, too, know of some of the stories, including the story of three warriors, who poked the box, with their spears". When Syd asked "What happened?", the man said "The story says that, as the warriors poked the box, a light engulfed them, and they vanished. If you believe in the story, you will believe that the warriors were, never, seen, again". When Syd said "You sound skeptical", the man said "I have a family to care for. A home, and this community. This is "real" to me, not stories of times, long ago.. Legends dont pay my ills". Syd understood what the man was saying. After this, though, the elder said something, which the man questioned, but, rewgardless of his weak state, the elder completed his empassioned words, to the man, then collapsed into a deep slleep. When Syd asked what the elder had said, the man said "Just an old mans rantings He needs his rest, now, and it is time for you to leave". It was not until Syd and Nigel had departed the reservation grounds, and Syd answeered Nigels comment, about the indians open distrust, for the white man, that Syd reminded him of how English settlers had driven the indians off their native lands, and forced the indians onto the reservations. It was no wonder the indians still hated the white man. While giving Nigel the bbrief review, of history, Syd removed her digitall recorder, which had been hidden in her suit, elevated the volume, then the pair listened to the elders words. Whatever the elder had said, he was emphasizing his words, for a reason. When Nigel asked "What do you think? Was the translator lying?" Syd said "I dont think he was, really, lying. I think he was concerned for his fathers health, and for his family's safety". When Nigell asked "So, what do we do, now?", Syd said "Now that we know what language this is based upon, all we need is someone who knows the parent language". Over the next month, Syd put in dozens of calls, to collegues, who studied various indian languages. Many were interested in hearing the elders words, but, upon hearing the recording, all would say "Try someone else. I cannot help you". Syd saw the looks, of fear, in each face. Something they had heard had scared each into silence. The question was "What was it?" For Syd, the only break, after two months effort, was an indian, who was serving federal time, for drunk driving, and putting six arresting officers in the hospital (for trying to arrest him). His name was "Black Feather", and he couldn't care, less, about indian traditions. Yes, he was an indian, but, to him, indian traditions were buried in the past, and he lived in the modern world. Black Feather had Syd play back the recording, three times, before the man was willing to commit to an answer. The elder says that the strangers promised to return, in the days of metal horses, and dragons. The man is also cautioning his son NOT to telll the "outisders" when, or where, the strangers will return" When Syd asked "Anything ellse?", Black Feather said "No, but I give yoou fair warning. Be careful. indians have learned, well, from the white man" As the relic hunters left the prison, Nigel asked "What was all that, about horses, and ragons?", Syd said "I think he was paraphrasing. Remember that cars, and planes, have only existed, for about a century. Before that, people used horses, and wagons, for everything". When Nigell asked "You dont suppose that the elder was warning that the "strangers" are due to return, at any time, do you?" Syd would only say "I really dont know. All that seems clear is that people are afraid of thoose words". When Syd decided to check in, with her CIA contact, and Nigel took out his phone, while Syd rove, he dialed, then listened, for a moment, before saying "No way!". When Syd pulled the car off the road, and looked at him, Nigel said "You wont believe who is waiting for you, at your office, right now.." When Syd asked "Who?", Nigel indicated the phone, and Syd said "You're kidding". Nigel shook his head. Back at the university, in her office, shortly thereafter, Syd found herself facing the CIA man, again. By the look, o his face, Syd was sure he was here, to ask about more "stolen" weapons. When she caught herself saying "What do you want to accuse us of?", the CIA man said "Hold it, professor, hold it. No accusations. The agency needss your help." When Syd asked "The agency?", then added "You mean the CIA", the man said "Not exactly", Syd asked "What exactly?" The man said "The White House is asking you to aid us, with something you may know about". When Syd asked "What?", the man said "You are a professor of Ancient Studies, right?" Syd was like "Thats right. My class exposes students to the wonders of history. What interest is that, of the CIA?" The CIA man set up his laptop on a nearby desk, opened it, powered it up, al the while, telling Syd "We were hoping you could help us with this. We have been tracking it, for days, but we cant even find its source, let alone its meaning". Syd, and Nigel, looked at the glyphs, on the computer screen, and, just after Nigel asked "Is that what I think it is?", Syd said BBring me the tablet of Egyptian languages" When the CIA man asked "Can you read it?" Syd said "I THINK so. I just want to be sure" When Nigel brought forth an aged volume, the CIA man asked "In there? You expect to find a computer cypher in there?" As Syd swept the pages, she said "I dont think it is a cypher. I think it is a plain text message". Soon after the CIA man said "You're kidding, right?" Syd found the page, and Nigel said "There", pointing at the spot, on the page. There, before them, in plain text, was a text known only to the priests of the Sky God. A text not used in, roughly, 5,000 years.. When Syd translated the message, with Nigels help, it turned out not to be a "warning", or "omen", after al. It was more of a test message, asking "Hello, are you there? Are you receiving?" When Syd translated a simple "Hello, we read you. We are here", message, then handed it to the CIA man, he asked "What do I do, with this?". Syd said "Send it". When the CIA man asked "Where? We dont know WHERE the message originates", Syd said "Just send out a general braodcast. The receiver is bound to be listening".. With the message in hand, the CIA man asked "Your assistant said you wanted me, for something?", Syd gave him a brief summary, then asked if anything "unusuall" was going on. The CIA man would say "Professor Fox, if I were to tell you about recnt sightings, and landings, in the Western United States, I would be fired, probably imprisoned, as well". Syd said "Sorry, I didn't know the information was so sensitive. I wont ask, again.." CIA then took one, of the office maps, placed two X's on it, along with coordinates, then said "For your own safety, professor, AVOID the places as you would an infectious disease." He then turned, looked at Nigel, and said "That goes for you, too". When Nigel said "Got it", a little too relaxedly, for CIA's comfort, the man said "I'm serious! These places are dangerous" Syd said "Dont mind Nigel. He knows you are serious". TThis is when CIA asked Syd "Professor, do you remember your own study, of field weapons, especailly the M-16, thirty, and fifty, caliber machine guns, grenades, and mortars?", Syd said "Sure, It was a requirement, for field training." CIA then said "Good". The man then departed, secretly smiling. Syd knew what the "coded" message meant, all along. She knew the X's, and the numbers were latitudes and longitudes. Next to one coordinate was the number (twenty). Next to the other was (fifty+). When Nigel asked "What should we expect once we get there?" Syd said "You heard the man. They dont want visitors". When Nigel asked "But why? There is nothing there but forests, rivers, and waterfalls" Syd suggested "Maybe, not there, YET." Nigels voice showed his concern as he said "You dont, actually, think anyone is COMING, do you?" Al Syd did was nod. By the time the two were packed, for this, new, trip, the assistant had, mistakenly, made cover travel plans, for them. Thy had reservations, on a 747, bound for the general area, and a rental car, ready for use.. What the feds never knew was that Syd never planned on using these reservations. Instead, Syd had a pilot/historian friend fly them in, aboard an old tri-motor plane (Something the feds would, never, pay any attention to). Agents staked out both the airports, and the car rental, whiile Syd and Nigel flew from one, abandoned airfield, to another. Once in the area, another old friend lloaned the relic hunters an old f-150, with a camper-topper. (Something else the feds would ignore, since there were thousands of these trucks, around the area). As Syd, and Nigel, observed the goings on, inside an army cound, Nigels question was "What does all this have to do with the stones?" Syd would say "I dont know, but, look at those gun-emplacements. They are preparing for something. Thats for sure". Sure enough, Howitzers, and AK-AK guns, and even surface-to-air missiles, were in more than abundance, at this place. When the two backed away, Nigel asked Syd if she was sure this place had the lower number, at (20). Syd re-checked the tracker. When Nigel asked "If they are doing this, for just twenty sighting reports, what do you think they will do, abbout fifty-plus?" Syd would say "I think we should find out". Two hours, of slow-going, later, and the two arrived, along with plenty of bumps and bruises, at the second location. BBoth would agree that even Alcatraz Island was more inviting than this place. It actually looked ready for the start of World War Three. What neither could figure out was the "connection", between the jewels, the indians, and this place. WHO had the elder warned was coming? Was it just old age? Alheimers? Maybbe, the elder had just forgotten that he was in the 21st century? OR, Were these soldiers expecting battlestars, or starships? Sure, the CIA man had warned that the relic hunters would find. Still, Syd decided that she, and Nigel, would be as silent as possible, after she reminded Nigel NOT to mention the operative, IF they were captured. What Syd would notice was that, for reasons unknown, the military, at this location, would have lleft an entire section, of the area, un-guarded. Suspecting a trap, Sydney decided to play the "waiting game", and see what happened. During the wait, Syd heard a guard asking about the hole, in the perimeter, yet, all the mans partner would say was "Stick around, and you will find out". It would be another hour before Syd found out what the soldier was talking abbout.. A family, of bears, with the adult male in the lead, walked right up to, and past, the opening, while his mate herded their young allong. When one, of the soldiers, was stupid enough to raise his weapon, and take aim, his partner said "I wouldn't do that".. When the soldier, taking aim, asked "Why not?', the answer came when the adult male bear heard the weapon clicking. As Syd had suspected, the three foot, nine inch tall bulk, which wallked on four paws, was a ground hugging, passive version, of the bear. At the sound, of the weapon charging, the male went up, on its hind legs, and drew itself up to its full seven foot, six inch height, then it roared at the humans. It was at that moment that Syd realized why this patch seemed so well travelled. It wasn't from soldiers marching about. This was a game trail! With the male bear on the verge of attack, the soldiers partner put a hand on the stupid soldiers weapon, then whispered "Slowly, lower the weapon". Then the soldier turned to the bear, whispering "Nice bear. No harm done. Go to your family" BBefore walking off, the bbear swiped at a nearby tree, which fell over, after being split in half, bby the bears paw. With another growl, the bear turned away, went back, on all fours, then left, to join its family. When the calm soldier said, to the bbears back "Nice bear. Good bear. That right, return home", his partner asked "Why not let me shoot the dumb thing?" His partner punched the man, saying "You idiot, this is bear country. You kill one, and we will be surrounded by them". To Syd, it was obvious that the calm soldier was either a woodsman, or a mountain man. Either way, he understood nature. His companion, by contrast, was just a "city kid". Someone must have told command to keep the game trail open. Let the animals pass, and all would be good. Now, all Syd needed was to know how often the animals used the trail. Once this was known, she, and Nigel, could just sneak in, under cover of animal movements. With a bit of patience, Syd learned what she needed to know, including how often the patrols checked the game trail. They might have been in uniform, but they were not all as foolish as the one soldier was. The soldiers knew that people might try to use the game trail, as well. Stilll, with silence, and stealth, the relic hunters "invaded" the camp, and found the information, on the area. When Syd looked over one of the camp commanders notes, she found out just what she expected to find. A copy of the elders "warning", translated into "military speak". To the military,, the elders words had meant "iron horses" were troop carriers, or ships, while "dragons" were defined as "bombers". This place was preparing for a D-day style invasion, by unknown forces. On a Xeroxed piece of paper, Sydney even found a partial translation, of the etchings, from the crystals. Trouble was, it was just enough to say that SOME-thing was coming. Based upon the information, which Syd and Nigel, found, inside the camp, this place was preparing to go to all out war. This was proven by the fact that, according to the paperwork, not only were the "light" weapons already on-site (the howitzers, machine guns, and claymores), but, other, "heavier", weapons were on their way in. To Syd, this looked like "The War of the Worlds". The question was: "Why?" After all, no threats had been madse, and no armada was gathering, in orbit. All of this "preparation" was based upon an elders comments. Without proof to back the story, why call in the army? This is when Syd decided to do some digging, of her own. It was not until Syd began doing research, at the states historical library, that the stake-out units realized that they had missed the relic hunters movements, completely. To their annoyance, all of the agents, involved in the stake-out, thought, in-correctly, that, being a woman, Syd would want creature comforts, during her travel. None, of the agents, had stopped to consider, that Sydney Fox had spent YEARS, in the field, and that Syd was just as comfortable, in an army Jeep, or even a half-track, as she would be, in a limosine. By the time the government tried to halt her access, to historical reords, Syd and Nigel, already had what they wanted, and were heading out. Back at their hidden "camp", Syd and Nigel compared volumes, of witness accounts, from long, long, ago. Although the details varied, by observer, all of the accounts told of "strangers", coming from a "faraway" land. Syd wondered why none of the accounts mentioned things like "other planets". All references were to a "faraway" land. Syd wondered, then asked Nigel: "What if the "strangers" WERE from Earth? Not born here, but stationed here". When Nigel asked "What would be the point?", Syd would ask "Why do we study animal behavior?" What also baffled the rellic hunters was that none of the accounts mentioned the usual "bright lights", etc., of normal, UFO accounts. All that some, of the accounts mentioned was some "shiny slabs", which some of the "strangers" were seen carrying. Still, even "shiny slabs" were nothing to go to war over. This left Syd with a cold feeling. What if the military preparations were not for what the government KNEW was going to happen, bbut, rather, what if the government thought MIGHT be coming? (Preparing for the worst, hoping for the best). Syd knew this was a dangerous position to be taken, especially after the invasions, of Afghanistan, and Iraq. Not to mention the invasions of Crimea, and the Ukriane. Syd's hope was that, IF a fleet did come, to Earth, and saw our weapons, pointed in their direction, that the fleet would turn away, from Earth, while still well outside our weapons range. Syd hoped that space-faring races would be civilized enough to turn their backs on this waring planet. Still, none of this solved the question of the (50+), indicated on the map. Two nights later, though, Syd got atleast PART of her answer, when an enormous UFO floated over the area, as silently as the wind. Some kind of light beamed out of its bottm, and left behind four beings, and some sort of hovering device. When Nigel whispered, to Syd "Please tell me that I am not seeing what i'm seeing", Syd whispered "Shhh". The beings seemed to be looking around, as if guaging their surroundings, while the object they accompanied seemed to shift colors, similar to a rainbow. The beings seemed to just look around, atleast until a federal sniper took a shot, at one of them. When the being was hit, and fell tro the ground, Syd saw the sniper closing in, and that is when Syd rushed the sniper. While she kicked the rifle out of his hands, while shouting "NO!", the aliens just looked at their companion, for a moment, as if not understanding what had just happened. While Syd knocked the sniper out, cold, Nigel heard radio chatter, saying "Take her alive". What Nigel found incredible was that the slow moving UFO seemed to return, overhead, with blinding speed, and a light consumed the device, the beings, Syd, and the sniper. With a crack of thunder, all was gone. Very shortly, thereafter, though, a flash of light, inside the army camp, left the sniper standing there, as if wondering what he was doing there. After Syd had vanished, Nigel saw no point, in continuing the "quest". He turned himself in, to the military, whiile thinking about what he would tell the university, about Professor Foxs disappearance. As it turns out, while Nigel waited, in a conference room, the chain of command was covering, even for HIM. Nigel learned of this when a soldier came into the room, and told him "Nige BBailey. Teaching assistant, to Professor Sydney Fox. It seems your own resume comes close to rivalling your superiors accomplishments". When Nigel would say "I dont know about that", the soldier seemed un-amused. The soldier then told Nigel "Mr.. Bailey, the university has been informed that Professor Fox is, currently, deep, undercover, working for the agency. No one is to ask anthing about her". When Nigel suggested "Just like so many others. People vanish, and you tell inquirers that the people are deep undercover. No one asks questions which you dont want asked" The soldier then showed Nigel a rifle bullet, and, when Nigel saw his name, on the bullet, he said "How quaint. May I keep it?", the soldier said "No, this is just a reminder. Say nothing, to anyone, or this will be the last thing you ever feel". After this, Nigel signed the non-disclosure agreement, and he was just waiting around, walking about the compound, when he saw some soldiers man-handle something the soldier had dug up. Seeing how badly the soldiers were handling the artifact, Nigel stepped in, asking "PLease be careful with that". When a soldier asked "Why?, Its just an old pot. Theres dozens, maybe hundreds, around this place", Nigel looked about, swiped a sniper scope, scanned the area, then joined the diggers, himself, rellieving one of the diggers, and asking the other to be careful. By the time his transport arrived, Nigel had managed to collect as many as five dozen samples, which he had moved into a mobile trailer. When the camp commander called for him, a sargeant said "He's over there, looking at some old junk. He says its important. Wont let us dig any further until he says so". When the commander went to Nigel, he found Nigel clleaning, and cataloguing, bits and pieces. When the commander joined Nigel, Nigel told the commander "This is extraordinary. Thje craftsmanship, of these artifacts. Its incredible." When the commander said "So, its incredible. So what?", Nigel showd the man paintings, on some objects, which were so crisp that Nigel was certain the objects had been made by machines.. The question was HOW? Especiallly with objects which had been buried, since before the industrial revolution. Nigel would say that, IF he were right, this area had been a trading center, long before America was even "discovered". When the commander asked "By whom?", Nigel would say "I haven't the foggiest. What I do know is that, whoever they were, they knew of tools, and machines". When the commander asked "Hostile?", Nigel was like "Hostile? What? No, I doubt it. Probably more like traders". When the commander asked "Are you sure?", Nigel would say "I cannot guarantee all of them were friendly, but this group was". This is when Nigel would find his own departure postponed, atleast a few days, while he supervised the digging of additional pits. On night number seven, of his extended "consultancy", Nigel was excavating some more, small, bags, of crystals, when he heard a familiar noise. The "noise" of the UFO approaching. When Nigell saw weapons being aimed at the craft, Nigel asked the commander "Tell your men NOT to shoot", to which the commander responded "Unless they shoot first". Once the UFO was overhead, a flash of light returned a smiling Sydney Fox to her co-worker. A moment later, and a crack of thunder, and the ship was gone. As Syd would relate her experience, to the army, she said that she never felt afraid of the beings. Syd told the military that the "experience" was more like being among fellow scientists, while examining a specimen, just as we do". When asked "Did they speak to you?", Syd would have to say "Not spoken words, but we did have quite a conversation". When the commander asked "What about?", Syd would say "Primarily about the box. Seems that, when we turned it on, we activated a homing device". When the commander asked "And, how do you know that?", Syd said "When I thought of questions, the answers seemed to come to my mind." Syd would add "I think they found me "stimulating" enough that they were wiling to show me both their ship, and their home system". When the commander asked "Is that the reason why the soldier was returned, and you were "invited", for a full week?" Syd woulld say "They (the beings) knew the soldier was afraid, and they dont like scared subjects. Too un-predictable. They invited me to visit for awhile, since I was more calm, and rational. In the end, though, I was sent back, to avoid possible trouble". Syd now knew what the wooden box, with its crystals, meant. It was a self-contained transmitter. It was given to a tribe, a very long time, ago, and "floated" through time, since then. When the commander asked "Their intentions? What are they?" Syd would say that, although the beings had high HOPES, for places like Atlantis, that the beings were waiting, patiently, for the human race to "grow up", and stop killing one another. Until we matured, the beings would just continue to observe us. Great! the commander thought. If this relic hunter is right, the government just "blew" $20 million, on NOTHING. Later, when Syd, and Nigel, were alone, Syd told him "My hosts did ask a favor of me". When Nigel asked "Should I inquire?", Syd said "They asked me to place a note inside the box, and put it away". When Nigel asked "Any particular note?", Syd said "Yes, they want us to replace the original note, which was lost, with a new one. The message is to read "Activate only after mankind has "grown up", and has abandoned its warrior ways". When Nigel asked "Why didn't they just write it, themselves?", Syd said "They DID, long ago. The message just got llost, over the centuries. Now, they want us to replace it". When Nigel asked "How do we know that English will survive, until then? Will America even still exist, by the time we "grow up"? Syd would say "I have an idea". Two moths later, the message had been translated into every llanguage, known on Earth. The volume was, then, placed inside the ages-old box, and its repaired cover was re-sealed. The box was, then, locked away, under a seal which read "To be opened by a warp drive capable society, ONLY" Nigel had to wonde if mankind would survive long enough to build starships. The pair would, then, return, to the corporation dig site, to find that the developer had come up with a way to build the building, while preserving the dig site. The developer had taken all of the outside walls, and moved it all, to the edge of the property. This way, the site would be protected, by the building, and the space could be rented out, around the dig site. By the time the dig site was "picked clean", of artifacts, Syd and Nigel had more mysteries, including devices, which rsembled calculators, and cell phones, as wellll as what looked like a night vision scope. Ofcourse, these "finds" came from far below the indian dig layer, indicating that they had been deposited long before the indians arrived. Question was: What happened to the society, which had created these devices?

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